Monday, September 30, 2019

Linguistics and Language Essay

In this essay, I will explain as well as compare two theories of first language acquisition, behaviorism and innatism. I will explore the differences between them in such categories as the role of the learner, the role of the environment and as well as their strengths and weaknesses. I will then state and explain which one I find more tenable with examples of relevant literature. Role of the Learner Behaviorism, credited to B. F. Skinner in the 1950s, states that the learner knows nothing to start with, he is an empty slate [o1] to be taught. The learner is passive and learns by positive-negative reinforcement, only repeating what he hears. Innatism, credited to Noam Chomsky in 1965, states that the learner is wired from birth for language. The learner is equipped with a LAD, a language acquisition device. This device allows the learner to discover the rules of his language, any language. Role of the Environment Behaviorism states that the role of the environment is key and vital to the learning process. The environment is the active agent while the learner is the passive agent. The environment produces the necessary language input for the learner. It is up to the environment to give positive and negative reinforcement for the learner. Innatism states that the role of the environment is minimal because it only acts as the trigger for learning. It is also thought the environment is flawed and can’t be relied upon to always give perfect information. Therefore, it is up to the learner to find the rules of the language[o2] . Strengths There are a few strengths to support the behaviorism theory. It is easy to monitor the learners’ performance. This is how parents (as teachers) usually teach their children, through nurturing which puts emphasis on the role of the environment. This theory can also explain why learners have the ability to memorize. On the other hand, there are several strengths of the innatism theory. A learner cannot memorize all the possible different language and grammar combinations that he learns through the environment. The LAD helps the learner to generalize rules and make his own creative use of the language. A child will resist using an irregular form because of over-generalizing, and he will create his own form of a word according to the rules that he has internalized. And these rules don’t necessarily conform to adult grammar rules which include many exceptions. By applying these internalized and generalized rules, a child is able to acquire a language at a fast pace. [o3] Weaknesses The Behaviorism theory only accounts for the performance of the learner, and not on his competence. The learner is passive, so this theory does not focus on the learner’s mind and knowledge. It also does not explain why children acquire a language so quickly even if they are exposed to different environments. In addition, this theory also doesn’t offer an explanation of why children over-generalize rules such as the simple past tense of irregular verbs even though they hear irregular forms in the environment. There are also several weaknesses to the Innatism theory. One of the first weaknesses is that it demands the existence of the Language Acquisition Device (LAD), its existence is difficult to prove and is immeasurable. This theory also doesn’t take into account different kinds of learners, just ideal learners with ideal grammar. The environment plays a minor role in this theory, so it doesn’t take into account the social aspect of the learner. My Opinion Looking at the two of these theories, I find the Innatism theory the most tenable. In my own experience with my children and students, the learners do not always model my behavior. This usually occurs with irregular patterns, particularly past tense verbs. This is similar to the â€Å"wug† test where a child will form a past tense of a verb that he has never heard before by applying the general grammar rules that he has learned. This behavior cannot be memorized and must be driven by an internal structure. Another reason to support this theory is that learners with impaired intelligence have been able to learn the structure of language. It has also been proven that American Sign Language which is taught to the deaf also has its own language structure. In addition, the creation of Creole languages supports the theory. As a Creole develops, grammar and structure are built in. The LAD would account for the formation of these languages as well as for creative uses of language by a learner. Conclusion In this essay I have explained two theories of language acquisition, behaviorism and innatism. In doing so, I have explained the different roles of the learner as well as the environment. I have also explored strengths and weaknesses of each theory and why I support the innatism theory over the behaviorism theory[o4] . [o1]Good one, I forgot this in my essay [o2]Do you think you should mention poverty of stimulus here? [o3]ording? Universal grammar is built off of two propositions, that all languages are governed by a set of universal principles, and that the mind is equipped with parameters which are set intuitively by the child according to the language input they receive. UG researchers have found a number of universal principles. One of the more prominent principles is structure dependency. Structure dependency states that all sentences regardless of the language are built off of propositions that carry both a noun and a verb phrase; in other words, every sentence in every language must have at least a subject and a verb (Chomsky, 1959). One parameter setting that is contained in the LAD is the head setting. Some languages such as English are head first, other languages such as Japanese are head last. Various arguments have been used to support the existence of universal grammar. Chomsky (1959) has proposed the poverty of the stimulus argument, positing that the input children receive cannot account for what they produce, and therefore, children must have an innate facility. He argues that the input is marred in two ways; first it contains a hodgepodge of performance slips, and secondly, it does not contain any negative evidence. How do children acquire language when they don’t know what they can’t say, or how do they learn to speak correctly when the input they here is at times in correct? They do so, according to Chomsky, through this innate capacity. Jackendoff (1994) offers another argument in support of universal grammar, the argument from expressive variety. Jackendoff argues that given that languages are recursive, there is simply no way of storing all of the possible sentences one can create in one’s mind. In other words, sentences don’t come from habits, but rather from creative expression. Universal grammar has had a lot of capital in language acquisition theory, although it has been critiqued on some fronts. Connectionists, particularly, N. Ellis (2006) has argued that language acquisition is not due to an innate faculty and the creative expression of humans, but equates it to a usage-based approach where children learning piecemeal frequently reoccurring chunks of language. Another argument against the innate language faculty is that UG researchers have claimed that only humans have access to syntax, yet this has been found not to be true. Certain animals, such as the humpback whale and songbirds have been found to possess a recursive syntax, suggesting that syntax and language may have evolved from lower order primates. Whereas universal grammar begins with language from the inside, Sociocultural theory, another prominent first language acquisition, posits language acquisition begins from the outside. Vygotsky, the founder of sociocultural theory, argues that language is a psychological tool, which children acquire and learn to manipulate as they interact with their environment and with more capable peers (Vygotsky, 1978). Children first learn language as they interact with their parents. Parents use caretaker speech, which makes it easier for the child to understand and grasp a hold on the concepts of the language. As the child begins to understand and produce simple utterances, they are able to use the language to mediate their psychological functioning (Vygotsky, 1978). Vygotsky argues that children begin learning language by first learning single words, which are pure meaning. As they develop their language skills, and engage in social speech, single word sentences are augmented through incorporation of non-meaningful elements, such as function  words, and the child’s thoughts and words begin to develop more sense meanings. For instance, where the word ‘cat’ for the 1 or two year old child could have served as an exemplar for all cats, by the time the child is nine, and having undergone a variety of experiences related to cat, they have imbibed the word with their own unique s enses. Thus syntax and word senses expand, the more a child learns. Now, whereas social speech began from one and developed into many, inner speech, the speech that goes on inside of our heads becomes more and more truncated. Vygotsky argues, contrary to Piaget, that egocentric speech does not ‘disappear’ rather it becomes internalized as inner speech. And this inner speech is something that could not be understood by anybody but the person who is thinking it. Vygotsky suggests that just as people who have known each other for many years, and who have had a large amount of experiences together exhibit language tendencies of shortened syntax because of their historical shared experience, a person’s inner speech also exhibits this characteristic, but even more so; the stuff of thought is nothing but psychological predicates (Vygotsky, 1978). One of the primary ways humans learn anything, according to Vygotsky, is through the zone of proximal development. This concept explains that what a person can do today with assistance, they can do tomorrow by themselves (Vygotsky, 1978). Applied to first language acquisition, the child may receive help from an expert, such as their parents, who point at objects and say their name, for example, cat. After seeing this, the child may repeat ‘cat’ immediately after. The next day, as the child sees the cat, it says the word ‘cat’ without needing to be told by their parents. Chomsky maintains that languages consist of an infinite number of sentences and cannot be learned through habit formation. Language is too complex to be learned in such a short amount of time (Chomsky, 1959). He believes that every human is born with an innate language learning capacity, which is embedded in the language acquisition device (LAD). Chomsky believes that all language share grammatical structures. This is called universal grammar (UG). Proof of UG includes poverty of stimulus, which explains how children acquire the language despite their limited exposure and incorrect input they may receive. Another evidence for UG that languages are recursive, (Jackendoff, 1994). It is impossible to know all the possible combinations; however, they are learned by children. According to UG, there must be some sort of innate capacity that provides the additional information. The fact that children are resistant to correction once again proves that language is developed through an innate capacity. According to Chomsky (1959), all languages share principles, which are invariable across languages. For example, noun phrases and verb phrases. This is called structure dependency. All languages have verbs and nouns. What distinguishes languages from each other according to Chomsky, are parameters, which are language specific. For example, some languages are head first, and some are head last. In relation to UG, Eric Lenneberg (1967) introduced the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH), which is a window of language learning opportunity before puberty. Proponents of CPH believe after this period, language learning becomes a much more difficult task and adults tend to rely on other mechanisms such as problem solving skills, reasoning, and deductive instruction to learn a language. Evidence of the CP is for example abused children, who despite being removed from the environment where they were deprived of social contact, were not able to learn the language. There have been many criticisms to Chomsky’s UG, for example, the LAD cannot be located and is immeasurable. Also, Chomsky’s theories overlook the effects of social contact and the environment on language learning. Social interactionist Vygotsky (1978) was a strong proponent of the social interaction hypothesis. He believed that learning takes place through social interaction, and give and take of information with caregivers, parents, or peers. According to Vygotsky, children begin with external speech, which could consist of one word only, but have the meaning of a whole sentence. Gradually, as the child grows older, he develops more complex and longer sentences and associates more meaning with his words. A child also engages in private speech (similar to adults), which is usually meant for problem solving or thinking out loud, but is not meant for sharing although articulated. Vygotsky believes that as the child develops more linguistic skills, this private speech becomes internalized and turns into inner speech, which is pure meaning, and does not consist of subjects; it is predicated. In direct opposition to the environment being the active participant in language learning, Chomsky flips behaviorism on its head and presents the learner as having a primary role while environment becomes secondary. Within the Universal Grammar Theory (UG), Noam Chomsky (1959) presents a Language Acquisition Device (LAD) that is responsible for the language learning process. Purely biological, language is filtered through the innate LAD that is structured with principles that are unchanging and parameters that vary according to the language being learned. Proofs to support this theory are many. Syntax and the head-first/head-last parameter are two such proofs. As a child learns language, they hold to one of only two possibilities in any given language – head-first and head-last – and language is formed through recursion and syntactic movement that follow a pattern within a particular language. This shows that language is rule-governed and that the LAD is programmed with language foundations from which a child can develop. That children are resistant to correction follows this same thought as they develop language through the LAD. Language is not linked to intelligence as we see in brain damaged adults who are completely coherent in language skills and others who are cognitively normal but cannot speak correctly. Stroke victims also show that, depending on the area of the brain that is affected, intelligence and speech are not linked. Broca’s and Wernicke’s Aphasias show that certain areas of the brain affec t speech while intelligence remains unaffected. As evidenced by the Gopnik family, genetic impairments have also proven that a glitch in the UG can be passed down from one generation to another, thus proving that the LAD is indeed biological (Jackendoff, 113). Eric Lenneberg’s Critical Period Hypothesis (1967) and the cases of â€Å"wild children† are yet further evidence. Lenneberg holds that the LAD becomes dormant or ineffective after a certain age – around the age of 12 – and this is why children acquire language so much more quickly than adults who are attempting the same. Through these studies of particular children who did not learn language and who were void of contact with language as a whole, it shows that the younger the child, the more fully they were able to learn language. Once a child was passed the age of 12 or so, they were unable to acquire proper language skills. The younger children were not only able to learn more adequately but then went on to continue in the language learning process as a normal adult would. As many proofs as there are for Chomsky’s UG and the LAD, criticisms are plentiful as well. First and foremost, where is the evidence that a device like LAD exists? It certainly has not been located in the brain, therefore, it remains immeasurable and some have serious doubt as to its legitimacy. This theory also limits the role of the environment and gives no account for the social context of the language learning process. It idealizes the speaker and the grammar itself to a certain degree and packages the entire process a bit too neatly. Cognitive Development Theory Jean Piaget’s (1955) work in cognitive development is foundational on many levels. Watching his own children, nature, and certain study groups of young children, Piaget introduces a theory that is completely developmental. As a child is ready and developed (both biologically and cognitively), they are able to assimilate, accommodate and adapt new experiences. Underlying in this theory is reasoning and logic. The role of the environment is minimal and the learner is vital but only as they are cognitively developed and ready for new experiences. A child will not learn what they are not cognitively developed to receive at that point no matter what the instruction. Piaget holds to the notion of children developing schema. As a new experience is received and they are biologically and cognitively ready to receive it, they will develop new schema to fit into the framework of schema that they already have developed. This theory also relies heavily on egocentric and socialized speech with each one serving a different function. Egocentric speech is what is used (mainly by children) when words and thoughts are spoken out loud but the one speaking is only dealing with their own thoughts and ideas. Socialized speech is a shift away from egocentric speech where one simply derives pleasure from speaking to being a way of exchanging their ideas or opinions. Although Piaget’s work and theory is critical, it neither accounts for the child’s behavior as a whole nor for the cognitive development after the stage of ‘formal operation’ is reached. It offers vast insight into the developmental process of a child but little instruction on attaining language skills. It was also based solely on a Western model and is therefore quite limiting. SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Input & Output Hypotheses As a result of older models of language teaching where attention was given to language grammar, Krashen (1981) places his focus on communication input. He contends that if the learner is given a chance to absorb the language, they will be better equipped to acquire it. Rather than forcing output immediately, Krashen holds to a silent period where learners have the privilege of just listening to language before attempting it†¦much like a young child would in learning their mother tongue. Comprehensible input (i + 1) is the formula that Krashen holds to for optimal language learning for second language learners (SLLs). This states that if a SLL is offered input that is only slightly beyond what they already know, acquisition will take place. He also makes a differentiation between language learning and language acquisition, claiming that acquisition is what is needed for the language learning process. Criticisms of Krashen’s hypothesis are that input alone cannot account for acquisition and that some grammatical forms cannot be learned without being taught. Swain (1985) introduces her Output Hypothesis in contrast to Krashen and claims that no matter the input, if the output is unintelligible, acquisition has not truly occurred. It is the output that forces learners to grapple with the grammatical processing and figure out what works. Through output, a learner can realize their problem areas, can experiment with new areas they are unsure of, and gives them the chance to analyze problems they are having in their language learning process.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Village Uplift

India is an agricultural country. So, it is a country of villages. Most of the Indians live in the villages. India cannot improve if her villages do not improve. The present condition of villages: The present condition of the Indian villages is very bad. The Indian villagers are ignorant. That do not know how to read and write. They do not know hygiene. They rest upon the superstition and the blind faith. Hence, they fall easy prey to the epidemics. Their health is also very bad. They are weak and frail. Their outlook is very limited.They quarrel among themselves over petty affairs. The village touts and litigants drag the innocent people into bad litigation. People do not know improved method of cultivation. They have forgotten their traditional cottage industry. Hence, their financial condition is not good. The able-bodied young villagers flock to the cities to work in the factory. So, the agriculture suffer in the village area. The bullocks are neglected. The cows are very poorly milch. How to uplift the village: The literate people, the students and the educated persons should look to this problem.Free and compulsory primary schools should be opened in every village. Night schools should be opened for the grown-up people. The villages should keep their village neat and clean. Sanitary work should be regularly done. Dispensary should be opened in every village centre. People should be taught improved method of farming. The village industries should be revived. The cattle wealth of the villages should be looked after. Bee-keeping and poultry-farming should be encouraged in the villages. The village Panchayat should be active in the respect.The villages should not quarrel among themselves over the pretty affairs. Co-operation, good neighborly-hood and fraternity should be infused among them. Co-operative farming should be encouraged. Conclusion: Village upliftment is no doubt necessary. The villagers should know their duty for this. They should think of the we lfare of their village. The Government has provided Community Project, National Extension Scheme and the village Panchayat system. The villagers should make the best use of them.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Skills audit

Level use the following scale to rate the skills checklist, Please fill In the sheet as accurately as possible so as to get the maximum benefit from the exercise; Your skill In the area 1 unskilled 2 very poor 3 poor 4 passable 5 adequate 6 satisfactory 7 good 8 very good 9 excellent 10 outstanding Importance In vocational area Irrelevant 2 unnecessary 3 a little relevant 4 relevant 5 of some use 6 useful 7 beneficial 8 very beneficial 9 valuable 10 essential Interpersonal skills My skill Importance Difference In ratings Able to Interact successfully with a wide range of people.Knows how to interpret & use body engage 9 7 10-1 -3 10 Oral communication skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Presents information & ideas clearly with content & style appropriate for the audience. Presents opinions & ideas in an open & objective way 107 +3 Counseling skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Responds to what others have said in a non-judgmental way. Builds trust & opennes s in others 9 10-1 Teaching & training skills My skill Importance Difference In ratings Able to help others gain knowledge & skills.Able to create an effective learning environments 6 Gives feedback in a constructive way. Helps others to increase their knowledge or kills 9 10-1 Financial skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Able to keep accurate financial records. Able to manage a budget 6 10-4 Persuading skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Communicates effectively to Justify a position or influence a decision.Able to sell products & promote ideas 8 9 -1 Care giving skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Able to empathic with others; able to give sensitive care to people who need it 9 10-1 Computer skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Able to use a variety of software programs; knowledge about social media, desk top publishing or web design 106 +4 Customer service skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Able to build a relation ship of mutual trust with clients.Able to handle complaints & concerns in a sensitive way 10 100 Planning skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings Able to plan projects, events & activities; able to establish objectives, needs & options. 108 +2 Research skills skill Importance Difference in ratings Knows how to find & collect relevant information; able to analyses data, summaries findings & write a report 8 8 0 Write down the skills where you have the highest negative scores: Able to keep accurate financial records. Able to manage a budget. (6) Able to help others gain knowledge & skills.Able to create an effective learning environment. (7) Knows how to find & collect relevant information; able to analyses data, summaries findings & write a report. (8) Which THREE skills are the most important to address for your vocational area? 1 Able to interact successfully with a wide range of people. Knows how to interpret & use body language. 2 Communicates effectively to Justify a po sition or influence a decision. Able to sell products & promote ideas. 3 Able to build a relationship of mutual trust with clients. Able to handle complaints & concerns in a sensitive way.How are you going to improve? For skill 1 – I will connect instantly with someone I. E shake hands. I will also show agreement, mirror expressions and postures. For skill 2 – I will Develop a listening strategy. Overall, I can personalize my sales points, preferences and needs. For skill 3 – I will practice empathy. Putting myself in the position of another person will allow me to see things from a different perspective. When people feel understood, they tend to be less combative, leading to greater understanding and unity.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Difference Between American Football and Soccer Essay

Difference Between American Football and Soccer - Essay Example This essay attempts to outline the various differences that are demonstrated by soccer and football as major sports in the world. Firstly, the researcher discusses that there are several distinctions that exist between soccer and football. It is stated that though both sports involve eleven players in each team during the match, certain differences like time limit, object used in the game and substitutions made during a match are critical to differentiate the two sports. While one sport is popular in some parts of the globe, the other one is popular in large part of the globe. There are many fans and supporters of both the American football and soccer in the world but supporters differ on basis of their geographical locations. American football is more popular in America and mostly in the United States and Canada while soccer has many fans living in US and other parts of the world. Many soccer fans follow European, Asian and American soccer leagues and world cup is one of the most ca ptivating and fascinating events for soccer fans. However, Super Bowl serves as one of the most attractive league in the world too especially for American football fans. In conclusion, football and soccer attracts a lot of fans around the globe. The two sports are captivating and attract huge crowds in stadiums while others watch them through TVs. The researcher also concluds that these two sports have several differences such time limitations, objects used, and techniques as well as methods of play.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business in the United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Development of a country is the outcome of the efforts of firms in order to generate new as well as improvised products, thereby, prefacing more efficacious productive procedures and implement the organizational and managerial transformations and design methods. A discourse of the different sources of development with bringing in to use the newest accessible quantitative statistics for the United Kingdom which make it clear that a firm's investment in the development activities is much extensive than their endeavors in the Research and Development or R & D on its own which has conventionally been centralized of much of the economic texts for quite a varied reasons (Bulli: 5). Mort noticed that the Central Government is the prime collector of statistics in the United Kingdom for the main economic and business growth (Mort, 2003: 123). In the United Kingdom, business is structured in a way that most of the activities occur within the private division with judgments and decisions being made in the market, for the reason that the private sector business are owned by individual proprietors as well as shareholders who look forward to make profits and attain objectives (Report, 2005). The businesses here possess a top down hierarchical anatomy with many sheaths within them and a descending flow of interaction. However, as per McTavish's views, although the privately owned businesses could be brought in to use as implements of the public policy, they were quite different from the other associated parts of the public sector with superior gradations of functional sovereignty (McTavish, 2005: 5). Regardless of the Research and Development delineating only a small number of firms' investment in development activities, nevertheless, it is still considered to be a significant pointer of UK's development performance. Moreover, the performance of UK seems to be in line with other developed economies for the reason that it efficaciously takes the industrial sector work into account. 2. Harmonizing Investments in Development According to Gee, for the companies to arrange accounts in accordance with the UK national norms stay subject to the requirement of the Companies Act which provides a true and genuine view which seeks conformity with the UK accounting standards (Gee, 2006: 13). The development performance activities in a firm are reliant on the ability to assemble knowledge, ideologies as well as market cognizance in to new and improvised goods and services which are associated with the personalized ingenuity, business know-how and innovation administration (Bulli: 7). An absolute analysis for the United Kingdom in comparison to other major economies of the world states that the UK has been lacking large firms, which prove to be the main-stream performers of the business in R & D

Impact of Financial Meltdown on Luxury Fashion Goods Market Dissertation

Impact of Financial Meltdown on Luxury Fashion Goods Market - Dissertation Example . 17 4. Research Methodology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 17-18 4.1 Research Philosophy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 18-19 4.2 Data Collection†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 19-20 4.3 Credibility and Verification†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 20-21 5. Findings and Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 22 5.1 Case Study†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 22-23 5.1.1 Global Recession and Luxury Market†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 24 5.1.2 Philip Rocou and his Strategies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 25 5.2 Primary Research on Luxury Goods†¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 26.-32 5.3 Primary Research on Online Selling †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 32-36 6. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 36-37 7. References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 37-40 8. Annexure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 41-43 Contents of figures and tables Table 1 representing impact on employees 28 Table 2 representing impact on product 29 Table 3 representing Behavioral Pattern of customers 29 Table 4 representing organizational impact 29 Table 5 representing post-recession effect in customer 30 Table 6 Representing Response of brand during economic turndown 30 Table 7 representing post-recession strategy of o rganization 30 Fig 1 representing effect of financial crisis on organization 31 Fig 2 representing effect of financial crisis on employee 31 Fig 3 representing interest level of people towards luxury brand 34 Fig4 representing frequency of purchase of luxury brand 34 Fig 5 representing opinion regarding benefits of online selling 35 Fig 6 representing satisfaction level in online shopping 35 Fig 7 representing online shopping as manufacturing tool 36 1.... The paper tells that during the last decade, the international economy has witnessed inflation, recession and other serious economic hazards. It had raised serious concerns for the future of world economy. The developing countries of the world were most affected in the economic turmoil. This also had an impact on the global fashion commodity industry. To counter the effect the industry players used new demands and reformed the luxury goods industry. Study of the performance of the key player in the market like Philippe Rousseau reflects the impact of the economy on the market for the luxury goods. In order to revive the market various strategies were developed by the marketing teams. The latest use was that of the online tools for the promotion and selling of the products. A new concept of online selling emerged in the market and the companies dealing with luxury goods were fast to reap benefits out of it. The concept of ecommerce was also hugely appreciated by the customers and the popularity of many businesses was back on track. Before the economic downturn the consumers of the world had become more fashion conscious and they started showing their interest towards the fashion goods. People belonging from the high society of the economy had spent considerably over the luxury fashion goods. But a change in behavior was noticed significantly. The nature of the industry was a driving factor in determining the level of impact it had by the economic turndown. The choice of factors for bringing out the industries out of trouble also varied significantly and it depended a lot on the customer profile.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Job Application Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Job Application - Personal Statement Example In other words, I know that I should be very discrete in choosing job openings I wish to pursue so I can be successful in my pursuit. Despite the immediate need of finances, I know that I should not jump to a job because it fills my pocket. I made it a point to make myself well-informed. I took the time to research on newspapers, advertising and company announcements. All these in consideration, I decided I would pursue a customer related position at _________________. Upon determining the job opening of my choice, I concentrated on finding out the details about the company. I researched on __________________'s reputation, how it has faired in the business world. I also predicted the fulfillment I will have with the position of interest. I also performed a SWOT analysis and compared it to the requirements of the job. It is shown as follows: After the preparations, I then wrote an application letter, prepared my resume and collected endorsement letters. The completion of the aforesaid documents for application was a long process. To be sure I observe the proper format; I consulted books and reputable sources online. I also asked the assistance of people I know. I made the effort to make my application documents impressive for I am aware that these are the first things an HR manager will base his impressions on. I I am now ready to be interviewed. Though I am not required to go to an interview, I still researched on the proper attire and the proper decorum that is expected of me in an interview. As I have assessed myself via the SWOT analysis, I am now fully aware of my value as a prospect employee and will convey this value in the interview. Even before the interview, I already have an idea of what I want to happen. With the end in mind, I will act accordingly. To further increase my chances of being hired, I will bring with me a portfolio of my achievements and previous work experience; and bring this portfolio up when the time is right. All things considered, it can be said that every employer wants something from every one of us. It is our goal to identify to them this certain something. As Hellen Keller once said, "We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough". Thus, the secret of a successful job hunt is dedication and passion to one's

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Education policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Education policies - Essay Example Schools are also be required to play their part in protecting children from damage and ignorance, and guide them towards positive activities and away from unfriendly behaviour. But although the move was welcomed by the Local Government Association, it criticised the exclusion ÃŽ ¿f academies and city technology colleges from the duty. Two hundred academies are planned by 2010. They are also excluded from the duty to admit looked-after children. Under the Children Act 2004, schools, unlike councils, primary care trusts and other named partners, are not placed under a duty to co-operate to improve childrens wellbeing. Childrens services leaders lobbied for such a duty to ensure schools did not focus narrowly on educational standards. The government argued it was only needed for strategic bodies. Today education is seen as key to future success for both individuals and societies. It offers individuals knowledge and understanding to give meaning to their lives. It provides the skills (and qualifications) for worthwhile employment. Education also plays a major role in shaping the future ÃŽ ¿f society - it can promote the healthy growth ÃŽ ¿f a generation, provide the necessary underpinning skills for economic growth and foster social cohesion between disparate communities. These are challenging tasks for any education system. The evidence from international comparisons is that the English system performs reasonably well in pupil attainment but fails in the promotion ÃŽ ¿f equity with the result that our system functions most effectively for those with social, economic or cultural advantages. No country in the world has a system which has overcome the effects ÃŽ ¿f disadvantage on achievement but some, like England, achieve well overall and have a relatively small gap between the outcomes ÃŽ ¿f the most and the least successful. The statement prepared by

Monday, September 23, 2019

Program Review (Fresh Eyes) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Program Review (Fresh Eyes) - Research Paper Example This review also determines how to avoid or mitigate these challenges during program process. All these points aim at enhancing success in implementing this program and, thus, achieving the required objectives and goals of the program. Program design is very essential in program implementation. This is because it acts as a guiding tool in the program implementation. According to Wiggins & McTighe (2005), designing of curriculum and learning experiences to meet specified purposes is an essential act of the teaching profession. Therefore, since this program revolves around the education profession, its design will involve crafting of curriculum and learning experiences. The crafting must be designed to help the program implementation team to achieve the objectives of the program. This crafting is not an easy task since it requires employment of both tactics and experience. It also requires teamwork since it would involve several individuals and stakeholders. Therefore, this is one chal lenge that would be encountered in the course of program implementation. Moreover, for the design chosen for a program to be successful, there are various education issues that it should address. According to Kelly & Melograno (2004, p. 8), â€Å"it must address issues of individualization, accountability, and effective practice.† Incorporating specific students’ needs on the program will address the issue of individualization. Enhancing competence of the people involved in the program will address the issue of accountability. On the other hand, ensuring that the program meets the required standards will address the issue of effective practice. Addressing these issues is not always easy since there are several limiting factors. Some of the limiting factors are learners’ learning styles, educators’ instruction style and the learning environment available. This might make addressing the issues identified to be difficult, thus, it is another challenge that m ight be encountered during implementation of the program. Different learners have different learning abilities and characteristics. This program will involve teaching education professions on effective research practice and management. Therefore, the audience for this program will be the education professionals regardless of area of specialization. Such an audience consists of adult learners only. One major characteristic of these learners is that they have other responsibilities in their life, which they consider more important than learning. As a result, they would be combining learning with their other activities, responsibilities, and duties that they have to undertake in their life. This might distract them from the learning process, thus, making them not fully dedicated to learning. The lack of dedication might hinder the learning process among these adult learners. Therefore, this is another challenge that might be encountered during the implementation of the proposed program . Time and resources are two essentials of any type of program implementation. This means that any type of a program implementation has to use a certain amount of time and resources. A major characteristic of these two is that they are limited in terms of availability. It is always difficult to find sufficient time and resources for implementation of any program. As a result, the resources and time available for program implementation must be maximally utilized. In this research, a challenge of having

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Legalization of Prostitution Essay Example for Free

The Legalization of Prostitution Essay Prostitution may undoubtedly be one of the oldest professions in history. From the time of the Romans, to the Aztecs hitherto, ancient civilizations from both the east and the west had the act of prostitution as part of their society. Some of these civilizations have even taken concrete measures to either abolish or accept prostitution within their system. The ancient Greeks, for example, had a form of regulation policy or law for prostitutes. They treated prostitution as a credible profession, they were subject to the paying of taxes and were even requested to wear distinct clothings so as to be easily distinguished and classified as such. The Roman Catholic Church, during the Middle Ages, even allowed (tolerated) prostitution despite its moral nature and moral laws. They argued that by allowing prostitution, greater crimes against the Church – such as sodomy, rape and masturbation – can be prevented. A man of the Church during that time even went as far as declaring that the expulsion of prostitution will only give rise to the lustful nature of human beings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Looking back through history, it is interesting to note that present societies have changed drastically with regards to their view of prostitution. And this shift in logical thinking can either be considered a major advancement in human moral society or a considerable denial to historical and natural norms and/or an open resistance to societal acceptance. As such, where should one stand on this issue? I, for one, greatly supports the latter. Indeed, I believe that prostitution should be accepted and be made legal in every open society. True, that societies at present have achieved a tremendous amount of success pertaining to moral law and human rights. However, societies must also put into consideration the fact that prostitution, as history may suggest, is a part of human nature. In other words, no matter how regarded as a scourge the act of prostitution is and no matter how much condemnation every government or institution may impose upon it, it – the act of prostitution – will always be there. Societies can never prevent the act of prostitution from occurring in the same way that human beings can never prevent the occurrence of bad weather – its just there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As such, I believe that instead of combating such a natural force – of which, almost always proved to be a negatively implausible act – why not offer acceptance to the norm – of which, is more a positively frugal act    and then provide the necessary safety nets for its entrance?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, the acceptance (or legalization) of prostitution denotes that proper measures will be taken in addressing the issue, not as a problem, but as a legitimate business. Governments must always understand that disobedience to the law is the result of strict impositions of the law. In other words, in order for governments to obtain the cooperation of these elements (of prostitution), they should should provide these elements with compensation and/or compromise instead of vying for their utter destruction – which is, to some extent, ultimately impossible. Government cooperation on the matter (in other words, legalization) could result into proper regulation of laws and services that will stand as a form protection for both legitimate prostitutes and their respective clients (I am using the word legitimate in order to refer to actual prostitutes that were not either forced or trafficked into the profession and the word respective in order to refer to the actual clients that do pay for the services they received and do not, under any circumstances, commit acts of violence against prostitutes). With the full legalization of prostitution comes a new set of laws that will determine the proper guidelines for the conduct of the profession. By doing so, proper health care, disease regulation, protection laws for mistreated parties (prostitute and the client) and other such programs and policies (as will be protected and advanced by the Rule of Law) will be established in order to administer the ever-growing business. Furthermore, other protections such as anti-trafficking laws, underage/minor laws prohibiting the acts, violence against women and others will be improved or amended so as to accommodate the introduction of the former laws established for the concept of legalized prostitution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Seeing these benefits to possibly come to life, one may still question, whether or not, moral law and human rights will be compromised in the process. The answer, of course, is a resounding yes. However, one must also understand that moral laws and human rights are only a product of the rational of human intellect. This means that moral laws and human rights are not natural or inherent and are only applicable to those persons that testify or practice them. Prostitutes (legitimate) are aware of the fact that what they are doing are a clear violation of moral laws and human rights. Still, they refuse to stop. Why? Because they choose not to uphold these laws and principles. Their rationalization comes from concept of free-will and freedom to exercise ones own body at his or her own discretion. As such, a rational force such as that of morality and humanism can never affect them – simply because they choose not be affected. Truly, awareness, acceptance and professing the laws of morality and humanism are one of the few steps for the credibility and plausibility of the latter principles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Like it or not, prostitution is already a part of our society and our lives. We cannot abolish it; we can only either openly accept it or blindly deny it. And ultimate denial of the norm, as history may suggest, can only lead to anarchy. Works Cited: Bovard, James. â€Å"The Legalization of Prostitution.† September 1998 Freedom Daily 20    November 2007 Poulin, Richard. â€Å"The Legalization of Prostitution and its impact on trafficking in  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   women and children.† February 2005 Sociologue 20 November 2007   Ã‚ Raymond, Janice. â€Å"10 Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution.† March 2003   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vancouver Rape Relief Womens Shelter 20 November 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mother Courage Epic Theatre

Mother Courage Epic Theatre Mother Courage is an example of Brechts concepts of Epic Theatre and Verfremdungseffekt or estrangement effect. Verfremdungseffekt is achieved through the use of placards which reveal the events of each scene, juxtaposition, actors changing characters and costume on stage, the use of narration, simple props and scenery. For instance, a single tree would be used to convey a whole forest, and the stage is usually flooded with bright white light whether its a winters night or a summers day. Several songs, interspersed throughout the play, are used to underscore the themes of the play, while making the audience think about what the playwright is saying. Another epic feature that we find in Brechts play is the presence of the songs. Mother Courage tries to teach her children the facts of life through songs, this representing a way of bonding with them, apart from the cart. This latter keeps the family together, and probably that is why in the end we see a lonely Mother Courage pulling the cart: it reminds her of her three children as well as still being a means to make a living. We do not despise Mother Courage as, in some ways, she is admirable however, the audience is exposed to intense irony: in her desire to preserve her family, she has participated in destroying it. Brecht is very famous for his modern conception of epic theatre and is tremendously important for modern theatre as he helps the audience understand that the unchangeable can change. This is Brechts term for that which expresses basic human attitudes not merely gesture but all signs of social relations: department, intonation, facial expression. The Stanislavskian actor is to work at identifying with the character he or she portrays. The Brechtian actor is to work at expressing social attitudes in clear and stylized ways. So, when Shen-Te becomes Shui-Ta, she moves in a different manner. Brecht wished to embody the Gestus in the dialogue as if to compel the right stance, movement and intonation. By subtle use of rhythm pause, parallelism and counterpointing, Brecht creates a gestic language. Epic theatre is gestrual. [] The gesture is its raw material and its task is the rational utilization of this material. (Walter Benjamin, Understanding Brecht, 1966, pg. 3) The songs are yet more clearly gestic. As street singers make clear their attitudes with overt, grand but simple gestures, so, in delivering songs, the Brechtian actor aims to produce clarity in expressing a basic attitude, such as despair, defiance or submission. Instead of the seamless continuity of the naturalistic theatre, the illusion of natural disorder, Brecht wishes to break up the story into distinct episodes, each of which presents, in a clear and ordered manner, a central basic action. All that appears in the scene is designed to show the significance of the basic Gestus. We see how this works in Mother Courage. Each scene is prefaced by a caption telling the audience what is to be the important event, in such a way as to suggest the proper attitude for the audience to adopt to it for instance (Scene 3): She manages to save her daughter, likewise her covered cart, but her honest son is killed. The words in red express the playwrights view of how we should interpret the scene; Courages saving her business at the expense of her son is meant to prove how contemptible our actions are made by war. Anger, outrage, panic, revenge, violence => vital elements of his work, stand condemned Brecht is probably trying to master these emotions in himself, for his work exposes his desire for absolute submission, a state of being in which he can conquer his unbridled feelings, and, instead of engaging himself with the external world, merge with it. (Berstein, The Theatre of Revolt, p. 239) Throughout the twentieth century, Brechtian influence was fully present in the works of various playwrights such as John Arden, Thornton Wilder, Robert Bolt, Peter Weiss, Arthur Adamov, Roger Planchon, and even the famous director Giorgio Strehler. Compatibility between the methods promoted by Bertolt Brecht and the playwrights desire to initiate open debates on history and contemporaneity contributed to creating a strongly opinionated political theatrical genre, formed by the coalition of fringe theatre groups (who would perform on the outskirts) which the young playwrights such as David Hare, David Edgar, Howard Brenton joined. As the main proponent of political drama, Howard Brenton believed in theatres mission to shape consciences and transform society. Despite his desire to distance epic theatre, which he considered rather artificial and simplistic to suit his artistic criteria, the episodic structure and the principle of minimal scenic parts remain Brechtian in origin. In addition, just as Brecht, the playwright starts a crusade against humanist tradition of social drama, seeking for a theatrical form that would incite the lazy audience with disapproval, persuasion and argument. The English playwright is distinguished by his virulent analysis of socio-political structures and putting forward a personal dramatic style, being a master of the temporal dislocations technique and of stage embodied visual images. For him, the theatre had to be the expression of the perfect collaboration between the show and the straight-forward message of the. His first creations Christie in Love (1969), Revenge (1969) and Fruit (1970) successfully materialize this artistic goal. In Christie in Love, Howard Brenton has directed his entire attention to the effects of social injustice, which inevitably metamorphose into violence and crime (this, in fact, being a prominent feature of English political theatre of the period, where many playwrights would tell the story of society dehumanization through violence and indifference). Brenton was said to have aimed at giving the audience a feeling of moral vertigo with his short piece Christie in Love. Looking at it from this perspective, the play succeeds in fulfilling Brentons wish because it did indeed outrage the collective morality. The grounds on which Christie, the serial killer, commits the crimes can be analysed from different perspectives, with little chance of running out of options. He may be the incarnation of evil, an outburst of the brutality inherent in human nature or a psychoanalytic ritual of decompression of repressed love, a deviated revenge of the man who is vulnerable to women. The numerous possibilities of understanding this stage event proves that Brenton is closer to the Brechtian view about the open theatre, the one that does not have to give answers, but to make the audience reflect on either explanation and option they consider suitable and convincing, that he had previously stated. However, it is quite obvious that if the meanings the reader and the audience can infer from this play would stop to the psychological level of killer instinct, the brentonian theme would be much too simplified. But The real purpose of the play concerns society as a whole. What the author wants to suggest is t hat the protagonists atypical behaviour, presented in an almost naturalistic way, is actually societys behaviour, however much the latter one is trying to hide it under the guise of respectability. The equality sign the author puts between a miserable bastard and the world justifies the inversion o the characters portrayals, bringing us to one of the features of the epic form of the theatre, that of presenting an image of the world, instead of ones experience. Christie, the famous mass murderer, appears as a normal human being while the police, the defenders of the people, become abnormal, achieving the bold features of some surreal characters. Roland Barthes has pointed out that the verisimilitude of [epic] acting has its meaning in the objective meaning of the play, and not, as in naturalist dramaturgy, in the truth inherent in the actor. (Styan, Modern Drama in Theory and Practice 3, 1981, p. 142) Brenton keeps the character of Christie in the objectivity sphere, thus provoking the spectators to live with the suspense throughout the play.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Violence Against Women In Music Essay -- Feminism Feminist Women Criti

Violence Against Women In Music    Particularly distressing in today's society is the level of dysfunctional relationships. Values considered outdated and baseless, such as mutual respect, consideration for another person's feelings, and common courtesy, are becoming extinct human customs. Especially troubling are the violent misogynous messages infused in hard-core rock and rap music and their negative effects on today's youth.    Healthy relationships of mutual love, respect, and compromise between men and women of all races and social classes are instrumental to a sane and stable society. Respect and reverence for mother, sister, wife, and daughter as the nurtures of civilization are key to our survival as a species. Many youth today approach their relationships with the opposite sex, mimicking the attitudes of the rock or rap entertainer.    As a musician, I can appreciate all forms of music as legitimate vehicles of artistic expression, not simply attaching aesthetic value to what I prefer. True art forms should express the ugly as well as the beautiful in human expression. However, if the art form explicitly expresses a message of debasement, hatred, or violence without just cause, then I question the validity of the message. A counter argument might claim that violent messages expressed through music are just a reflection of conditions that already exist. Violence directed towards women is an option that misdirects the causes from where true powerlessness derive... ...ent and sales of its product. Can the same standards of scrutiny be applied to any industry that promotes poor mental health? For the sake of entertainment, we have allowed ourselves to cross the line and permit the debasement of women and the promulgation of violence against them to become the norm. Parents, community leaders, educators, and entertainers must work together to demand maintaining the dignity of all persons addressed lyrically through music. The quality of intent should be carefully scrutinized in music especially targeted towards adolescents. If the intent is to debase, devalue, depreciate or diminish another human being or to create an atmosphere of senseless violence, we have a moral obligation not to support its marketing.   

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Essays - Escape from Reality in A Farewell to Arms :: Farewell Arms Essays

Escape from Reality in A Farewell to Arms In Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, Fredric Henry gets involved with Catherine Barkley to escape the insanity of war. Frederic loves Catherine. Catherine loves Frederic. The extreme situation of war and fate allowed both of them to be thrown together and fall in love. This love for one another was an escape into another world for Frederic. It provided him emotionally with a private place, where he could go to separate and evade the horrible realities of war occurring in and around him. Under any other normal circumstances this love probably would have never happened, but the pitcher had the curve ball in for Frederic from the first throw. He wanted him out. From the beginning, Frederic and Catherine's relationship started in a strange state. Frederic knew Catherine was a little cooky, but he still continued to pursue her. He did not even love her at first, but he still needed a way of escaping his present situation, so he decided what the hell, and went after her. Plus, he really didn't think he had anything to loose. There were no stakes named from the start. He didn't really care if he lost anyway. "I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her. This was a game, like bridge, in which you said things instead of playing cards. Like bridge you had to pretend you were playing for money or playing for some stakes. Nobody had mentioned what the stakes were. It was all right with me. (Hemingway, 30-31) But this is where Frederic made his mistake. He kept his distance from right and wrong regarding war and love. He had separated himself from war and seemed to have no place in it at all, mentally or physically (for example when he is in the hospital in Book Two). But when Aymo is killed by his own army, Frederic discovers the reality that he is not really separated from this event at all. He is very much part of this war whether he likes it or not. At this point, he seems to go a little crazy himself and gets scared. He needs a way to escape immediately and ends up separating himself again through love. Frederic had not been prepared for the stress and pressure of the reality he had faultily deluded himself from.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An Analytical Essay on the Duality of Man in Hamlet :: The Tragedy of Hamlet Essays

An Analytical Essay on the Duality of Man in Hamlet    Day after day on television, in the movies, and even in some modern literature we see characters falling within those same old categories of "good guy" or "bad guy".   Life would be much easier to figure out if human beings were so definitely good or bad, but we're not.   Four hundred years ago William Shakespeare wrote a play that presented characters how human beings truly are, neither all good nor all bad.   Hamlet is a play twisting and turning so much in human emotion that at times it almost seems to come alive and give us an accurate depiction of inner-torment, death, and humanness. In such scenes as the one where we see Claudius praying for forgiveness for the murder he has committed, guilt is seen in who would be the easy-to-hate "villain" in other stories.   He is depicted as a human being with the capacity to be sorry for what he has done.   The good and bad qualities of characters in Hamlet makes it harder for the audience to know who is right or who they want to see succeed.   This duality is seen in many other Hamlet characters and it is most interesting to examine this mix of good and bad in Hamlet, because he is the play's supposed "good guy".   Since Claudius wronged Hamlet and his father the audience wants to sympathize with Hamlet and see him triumph over Claudius.   When his decency and moral appeal are seen as questionable Hamlet becomes a story immersed in the positive and negative qualities of character and the ambiguity of life. In the beginning of the play the audience sees Hamlet struggling with his father's death and his sincere mourning appeals to us; it is something that makes us feel for him.   After his encounter with the ghost we are given a Hamlet with a horrible mission, to murder.   Anyone can imagine how being faced with the truth of his father's death would anger Hamlet, but to murder in cold blood is something that wouldn't come easily to a young man.   The audience longs to see Hamlet find a way to make better what has happened, because he is innocent, young, and a man who lost someone he loved.   To deal with the murder of his own father and then being asked to murder are things that make us pity him and his confusing situation. An Analytical Essay on the Duality of Man in Hamlet :: The Tragedy of Hamlet Essays An Analytical Essay on the Duality of Man in Hamlet    Day after day on television, in the movies, and even in some modern literature we see characters falling within those same old categories of "good guy" or "bad guy".   Life would be much easier to figure out if human beings were so definitely good or bad, but we're not.   Four hundred years ago William Shakespeare wrote a play that presented characters how human beings truly are, neither all good nor all bad.   Hamlet is a play twisting and turning so much in human emotion that at times it almost seems to come alive and give us an accurate depiction of inner-torment, death, and humanness. In such scenes as the one where we see Claudius praying for forgiveness for the murder he has committed, guilt is seen in who would be the easy-to-hate "villain" in other stories.   He is depicted as a human being with the capacity to be sorry for what he has done.   The good and bad qualities of characters in Hamlet makes it harder for the audience to know who is right or who they want to see succeed.   This duality is seen in many other Hamlet characters and it is most interesting to examine this mix of good and bad in Hamlet, because he is the play's supposed "good guy".   Since Claudius wronged Hamlet and his father the audience wants to sympathize with Hamlet and see him triumph over Claudius.   When his decency and moral appeal are seen as questionable Hamlet becomes a story immersed in the positive and negative qualities of character and the ambiguity of life. In the beginning of the play the audience sees Hamlet struggling with his father's death and his sincere mourning appeals to us; it is something that makes us feel for him.   After his encounter with the ghost we are given a Hamlet with a horrible mission, to murder.   Anyone can imagine how being faced with the truth of his father's death would anger Hamlet, but to murder in cold blood is something that wouldn't come easily to a young man.   The audience longs to see Hamlet find a way to make better what has happened, because he is innocent, young, and a man who lost someone he loved.   To deal with the murder of his own father and then being asked to murder are things that make us pity him and his confusing situation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lord of the Flies by Sir William Golding

Lord of the Flies was the first novel published by Sir William Golding. Although Golding had published an anthology of poems nearly two decades before writing Lord of the Flies, this novel was his first extensive narrative work and is informed by his scientific training an academic background. In many ways Lord of the Flies is a hypothetical treatment of particular scientific concerns. It places a group of young English boys on a deserted island where they must develop their own society, in essence constructing a sociological experiment in which these boys must develop without any societal influences to shape them. In fact the beginning chapters of the novel parallel assumptions about human evolution, as the characters â€Å"discover† fire and form levels of political authority. However, what concerns Golding in Lord of the Flies is the nature of evil as demonstrated by the boys on the island. He concludes that the evil actions that the boys commit are inherent in human nature and can only be controlled by societal mores and rationality, as exemplified by the characters Piggy and Ralph. Although the novel does not adhere to themes particular to one religious tradition, in Lord of the Flies Golding draws upon a great deal of religious symbolism updated to conform to more contemporary ideas of human psychology. The title character,' the pig's head that Simon dubs the â€Å"lord of the flies† is a translation of the Hebrew word Ba'alzevuv, or its Greek equivalent Beelzebub. For Golding, this devil comes from within the human psyche rather than acting as an external force, as implied by Judeo-Christian teachings. Golding employs this religious reference in more Freudian terms. The devil that is the â€Å"lord of the flies† represents the Freudian conception of the Id, the driving amoral force that works solely to ensure its own survival. The â€Å"lord of the flies† directly confronts the most spiritually motivated character of the novel, Simon, who functions as a prophet-martyr for the other boys. Lord of the Flies is firmly rooted in the sociopolitical concerns of its era. Published during the first decade of the Cold War, the novel contains obvious parallels to the struggle between liberal democracy and totalitarianism. Ralph represents the liberal tradition, while Jack, before he succumbs to total anarchism, can be interpreted as representing military dictatorship. In its structure as an adventure the novel further resembles the science-fiction genre that reemerged as a popular form of literature during the fifties. Symbolism played an important part in the development of story. This narrative technique is used to give significance to certain people or objects, which represent some other figure. Piggy and glasses represents clear-sightedness, intelligence. Their state represents the status of social order. Ralph, the Conch represents democracy and order. Simon represents pure goodness or Christ figure. Roger represents evils or Satan. Jack represents savagery and anarchy. The island represents the world where people live. The scar represents man’s destruction or destructive forces. The beast represents the evil residing within everyone or   the dark side of human nature. The Lord of the Flies represents the Devil and great danger or evil. There are many other aspects in the story that may be considered symbolism, but the several that I mentioned are probably the most significant. Another good example of symbolism is the shape of the island. The boat shape of the island is an ancient symbol of civilization. The water current around the island seems to be â€Å"flowing backwards,† giving the subtle impression that civilization may be going backwards for the island or its inhabitants. William Golding presented numerous themes and basic ideas that give the reader something to think about. One of the most basic and obvious themes is that society holds everyone together, and without these conditions, our ideals, values, and the basics of right and wrong are lost. Without society's rigid rules, anarchy and savagery can come to light. Golding is also showing that morals come directly from our surroundings, and if there is no civilization around us, we will lose these values. Other characteristics of human beings that he showed in the book are that people will abuse power when it's not earned. When given a chance, people often take advantage or degrade others to improve their own security. The author also showed that you can only cover up inner savagery so long before it breaks out, given the right situation. Just like what happened to Jack. He also showed in the book that it's better to examine the consequences of a decision before you make it than to discover them afterward. Another theme in the book that I have observed is that the fear of the unknown can be a powerful force, which can turn you to either insight or hysteria. Just like what happened when they fear the unknown figure that they saw in the island which led them to murder Simon. I agree with the author’s theories on the basic nature of human beings. Without the values or morals being taught in our society and the basic knowledge of good and evil people will have a tendency to become savage or evil because it is part of the human nature. It goes back to the fall of the first man named Adam. After the fall, sin became a part of the human nature. Without the teachings of good values and morals, savagery will manifest in people.   

Monday, September 16, 2019

History of Kenny Rogers Roasters

Kenny Rogers ROASTERS was originally set up by popular Country and Western singer, Kenny Rogers, and former Governor of the state of Kentucky, John Y Brown Jr., in 1991. Seeing an opportunity to provide healthy and delicious food in a restaurant environment, Kenny Rogers ROASTERS opened its first restaurant in Coral Spring, Florida in August of 1991.Internationally, Kenny Rogers ROASTERS has expanded to various countries around the world and has restaurants in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Brunei and the Philippines.Kenny Rogers ROASTERS was awarded three times in a row (1996, 1997, 1998) for the prestigious America's Choice Award Winner for the Best Chicken Chain by Restaurants and Institutions Magazine, a leading publication from USA. Kenny Rogers ROASTERS was also awarded the Master Franchisee of the Year 2000/2001and 2002/2003 by the Malaysian Franchise Association, an affiliate of the World Franchise Council.Berjaya Roasters (M) Sdn. Bhd. is the franchise ho lder for Kenny Rogers ROASTERS (â€Å"KRR†) in Malaysia. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berjaya Group Berhad and was incorporated in 1994. In April 2008, Berjaya Corp Bhd (BCorp) wholly owned subsidiary of ROASTERS Asia Pacific and master franchise for Kenny Rogers ROASTERS fully acquired the chain's parent, US-based NF Roasters.Kenny Rogers ROASTERS is a mid-casual dining restaurant with roast chicken as its main core item complemented by a rich variety of hot and cold side dishes. This is made up of Kenny's famous home-made muffins, jacket potatoes, vegetable salads, pasta, soups, desserts and beverages served in a friendly and comfortable environment.Frist Kenny Rogers Roasters in Coral Springs FloridMenuKenny’s Quarter Meal- RM 18.50 Chicken Macaroni Cheese- RM 18.50 Kenny’s Family Meal- RM 73.50 Rock & Roll Spaghetti- RM 18.50 Kenny’s Chicken & Garden Meal- RM 19.50 Chicken Ceaser Salad- RM 17.50 Red Hot Meal- RM 18.50 Tangy Chicken Spah etti- RM 18.50Promotion*2014 PromotionNews

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Contribution of NUR 300 Class

NUR 3000 is meant to be a bridge for the adult student, by which he or she may make a smooth transition into an academic setting while assuming new responsibilities as a nursing student. The course is designed to give to the student those skills which are necessary for the successful completion of the student’s education. There are specific skills needed to be successful as a nurse and this course is designed to bring those to the student. The educational goals set by the student can best be achieved if the student is fully versed on all the tools of the trade, and NUR 3000 is designed for that purpose. During the course of this class the student participates in discussions concerning the role of the student nurse vis a vis the university milieu. The student is required to demonstrate the ability to produce an academic work meeting the guidelines of the American Psychological Association style. The student is instructed in ways to identify the tools needed by professional nurses in the course of their duties. This includes guidelines for evidence-based practice and the student is taught to apply those tools to further productivity and learning. The student is taught to identify a system in which responsibilities can be prioritized. In this course there are participatory discussions relative to the most efficient methods of educating clients and colleagues. The use of a word processor is virtually mandatory in any technical work and knowledge of the ways in which it can be used is vitally important to nurses (L. Pray, personal communication, February 20, 2007).   In this course the students becomes familiar with all aspects of the program and are then expected to be skilled in their uses. The old typewriter, which the word processor replaced, served but one purpose, which was to put print onto a sheet of paper. The word processor is multi-dimensional and saves time and effort, which can be better spent on clients and other work. The word processor has become indispensable, and students of this course are now competent on it. There are different formatting styles in academic writing. Nurses are expected to become proficient in the American Psychological style. The course teaches student nurses the nuances of this particular style, coupled with the understanding of what its primary use happens to be.   It is for scientific works primarily and has a unique method for in text citations and referencing. ‘APA is a widely accepted format for writing research papers, particularly for social science manuscripts and theses,’ (APA, n.d.). Coupled with the word processor, it is one more weapon in the nurse’s arsenal, and beneficial in the spreading of information in a uniform manner. There is a distinction between scholarly journals, periodicals and popular magazines, with much of that difference in the quality of the written word. Peer reviewed material is considered the highest authority available to the student. Journalists write popular magazine articles, for the most part. They are frequently full of opinion and conjecture. Periodicals are the most prolific in terms of sales. They are ubiquitous and come in various formats, with ‘Some periodicals [using] the newspaper format,’ (Burkart, 1964, 11-22). The course has taught that peer review material is the most reliable and valuable source of information. No academic writing can contain plagiarized material. It is not only theft of intellectual property, it is a disservice to the creator of the material. The reason that APA style is so useful is that it makes it relatively easy to cite the source of any material or idea used in an academic paper. There is no excuse to overlook the citation of another person’s work. Though Mallon wrote, in Stolen Words, that the Romans often reworded Greek literature and that Virgil is Homeric (1991), that is not a license to steal. Paraphrasing and summarizing are techniques used in academic writing to set apart words and ideas that do not belong the author of the document. They are not the same as a direct quote, but still convey the gist of the idea. Paraphrases take the original author’s words and put them into the words of the student writing the new paper. Summaries have the flavor of the original but lack the detail. Both must be attributed to the creator of the original words or ideas in the text of the new document. In this course students learn to cope with the stress that naturally arises on the job.   Job related stress among nurses can be a source of illness and lead to burnout. According to the Framingham Heart Study data, failure to show or discuss anger leads to coronary problems later in life (Thomas, 2004). This course teaches the student effective methods to deal with what can become a major problem if not addressed. The time management strategies that are taught in this course have been beneficial. The concept of assessing where the time goes and how the student spends it will be an asset to be used in the field when the student becomes the nurse. One advantage to online learning is that the student can, within limits, go at his or he own pace. The student can learn anytime or anywhere, again, within reason. However, they take up time, for they utilize the printed word as opposed to oral lecture. Still, it appears that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This course was designed to teach student nurses the basics job skills required in the nursing profession. It covered the topics well and did a superior job of instructing the students in the subject matter with which it dealt. References .APA style. (n.d.) Retrieved 2-22-07 from: J. Burkart, (1964)   The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 11-22 Retrieved 2-22-07 from:   Mallon, T., (1991) Stolen Words U.S.A.: Penguin Books 4 Thomas, S. 2004 Transforming Nurses’ Stress and Anger New York: Singer Publishing Co. Inc.   50         

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Analysis of Human Migration Essay

An Analysis of Human Migration Ever since humans learnt to grow crops as a steady source of food humans have migrated In search of conditions better suited to their needs and comforts. Although all of us but the 30-40 million that choose to live the nomadic life have abandoned that lifestyle and moved on to a more ‘civilized’ modern era, migration still remains an option for those of us seeking to take residence In an alternate region of mother earth. The National Geographic Society [1] defines human migration as The movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up ermanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary. ‘ Migration Inside a landmass or political region Is called Internet migration and outside a physical or political border Is called external migration. For example Inside moving inside the continent of Australia would be internal migration but moving into a different continent overseas would be external migration. There are a variety of causes for migration, but they havent changed much through the years and remain fairly similar to the reasons our ancestors chose to migrate. These reasons can be categorized into two sections; these being push factors and pull factors. Push factors are reasons for leaving a region because of negative properties of the location and Pull factors are reasons for moving into a place because of positive properties of a location. Such factors can further be divided Into Environmental factors like climate, Political Factors Ilke war, Economic factors Ilke work, cultural factors Ilke education and utility factors like geographic location and socioeconomic status. Statistically speaking, the humans are extremely successful as a species. The 7 billionth human was born not long ago and the 10 billionth Is not far away, calculated to be born around the end of the century. The human race Is not only vast, we are also incredibly diverse and this is what defines us as a species. Meaning when we lost a part of our culture we lose a bit of what it means to be human. This brings us to one of the biggest drawbacks of migration, known as Cultural Extinction. Cultural extinction occurs when a family that Is part of a smaller culture migrates and the next generation of the respective family is only exposed to the native language and culture, since culture and tradition is only carried through families, the prospective bearer of this culture is burned out, ending a vein of this precious cultural blood. But our cultural diversity Itself poses a question. How Is It that we as a human race are so diverse in culture, and yet so similar? A research project named ‘The Genographic project Was created by Spencer Wells for the purpose of answering this question and tracing human movement in prehistoric times. Even though the fields of palaeoanthropology and archaeology already enable us to access this Information, the Genographic project uses a newer method that allows us to find out how closely we are related to each other, enabling us to map out a family tree going back millions IOF4

Friday, September 13, 2019

Modern and Postmodern Ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Modern and Postmodern Ideas - Essay Example The essay "Modern and Postmodern Ideas" investigates the artists of the modern and postmodern era. Modern and postmodern artists have worked to depict the range of human emotions. There are a lot of artists such as Picasso that focuses on the emotions themselves. Picasso’s works, characteristic of the modern abstractionists, focused on presenting graphic images of emotions without relying on true representations of objects. In his paintings â€Å"Figures on Beach†, â€Å"Weeping Woman† and â€Å"Girl Before a Mirror†, Picasso presents each figure as an abstract collection of geometrical shapes arranged in such a way as to denote the specific emotions and feelings his figures are experiencing. His use of color goes a long way toward conveying the emotions he wished to express just as the relative hardness or softness of his lines worked to establish the relative sharp or dull nature of the feelings. Another aspect of his art that infuses all three of these paintings is the concept of portraying motion or action through the representation of more than one viewpoint at a time. In â€Å"Figures on Beach†, this concept of movement is shown in the various placements of the eyes and nostrils of the figures and the seemingly random placement of the woman’s breasts. The confusion of straight body parts that allows arms and legs to almost become interchangeable also reflects the idea that these people are not remaining in stationary positions but are instead allowing their arms and legs to become tangled as part of their embrace.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wharton-XiaYun-essay2,3,4-0920-ec Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Wharton-XiaYun-essay2,3,4-0920-ec - Essay Example Our conventional approach seemed to break down as we struggled with a series of unique processes and requirements. For supply chain management, an important function in any enterprise, I found not even one division that could act as a stakeholder to initiate the change in the organization. How to overcome this challenge? It seemed impossible to change the culture, mindset, and management of a firm of this magnitude in such a short time. We had to go back to the drawing board to the rethink our approach. I needed to act fast, but without taking any drastic step that would disrupt the situation and jeopardize the progress of the project itself. I needed to â€Å"reset the execution context†. I realized that it was a large community of people with different backgrounds and I should be cautious about the impact of a major cultural change on these people. Keeping that in mind, I decided that instead of trying to sweep changes into divisions as a whole, we needed to take it from the grass root level upwards and take the people into our confidence. We analyzed the firm’s processes further, drilling down to basic elements that could be benchmarked, and broke best practices into smaller solutions that could be executed quickly without major disruption. These small positive results created a confidence for the client in our team. Then we began to implement more advanced supply chain practices, setting forth a path away from the traditional logistics-based thinking. Although we could not yet reform the organizational structure, we could gather support to change the prevailing mindset and that helped accelerate the progress of the project. Then we met the client’s mid-level management and had much less trouble, creating consensus, as â€Å"change† now seemed less threatening. The impressive results we delivered, won their confidence. With the newfound enthusiasm in the decision makers, I had little trouble presenting and convincing them,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 16

Management accounting - Essay Example e of the company to be enhanced the market has to be assessed which would involve trying to find out its customer preferences; this is done with the aim of trying to stabilize the sales, which has been fluctuating since the year 2008 to date. The growth in total assets may also be because of poor circulation of inventory, which is not healthy for the operations of the business. This report will further asses the ways that the company needs to employ its differentiation strategy apart from simply having large stocks for the sake of increasing prices, timely delivery and long lead times (Bates, Greenwald & Morrissey 2009). The company needs its inventory to move hence the main strategy is to expand its operations in terms of employing qualified personnel, look for incentives to control employee turnover and modernize its operations. As it stands, the company operates its operations in a very crude way, which has to stop by way of formulating organizational procedures and clear manageme nt structures. Bond Motorhomes a company that was formed in 1973 to repair and motor homes and caravans decided to expand its business in the year 2000 and into conversion of vans into motor homes as another way of doing their business. In terms of capacity and operations, the company did not change significantly, as it is reported that it maintained the repairs department, which was the pioneer to act as an attraction to customers. As a result, of this plus other factors the company performance in terms of sales turnover has been fluctuating a lot. The company has a major issue concerning maintaining its employees due to unclear employee management structures. It is true and understandable that the company still has small operations and it is a fact that the company has prospects of growth (Baxter & MacLeod 2008). This calls for the management to streamline all the operations of the company, formulate a plan of action, enact ways of recruiting employees and devise a way of recruiting

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Examine the extent to which children have rights in a particular area Essay

Examine the extent to which children have rights in a particular area of law and provision (Abortion) - Essay Example The UK is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Children’s rights held in the month of December in the year 1991. The Convention acts as a basis for protection of children’s rights in all member states. (Every Child Matters, 2008) The convention provides that all children have the right to life. This brings up a vital question; can a foetus be considered as a child? The United Kingdom recognises viable foetuses as those ones who have exceeded twenty four weeks. (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2004) This is why the Abortion Act of 1967 allows abortions before a pregnancy has reached that stipulated time. In relation to this, the UK only allows abortion in cases where the unborn child will affect his mother’s health both physically and mentally. By providing such a restriction, the unborn child’s right to life is protected because mothers may not terminate their pregnancies for minor reasons. This ensures that unborn children’s rights are protected in the most viable way possible. The Abortion Act of 1967 also provides that abortions should only be carried out after obtaining consent from two medical practitioners. (Abortion right, 2007) The purpose of this stipulation is to further ascertain that abortions are only carried out in extreme conditions and that a child’s best interests are protected even before they are born. However, certain human rights groups like the Society for the protection of the unborn child claims that these laws are not doing enough to protect the unborn child. They argue that all abortions should be made illegal through repealing of the abortion acts relevant to women in the UK today. (Arthur, 2007) Experts agree that the United Kingdom’s abortion laws are quite severe to women but protect unborn children through its restrictions. In comparison to other countries in that area, unborn children take precedence over women. In countries like

ECONOMICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ECONOMICS - Essay Example The price of coffee in Cote d’Ivoire will tend to be high locally while in Vietnam, the prices will be low as much will be imported. 2. (a) The law of one price will hold in the case of rice traded freely in U.S and Canada. For the law of one price to hold, the market should be free from any trade barrier. The relative price is less than one. (1/1.04=0.9615) (b) The law of one price will not hold in the case of sugar traded in Mexico and the U.S. This is due to the imposition of quota by the U.S government o imports. The relative price is less than one. (1/93.05=0.0107) (c) The law of one price will hold in the case of Big Mac sold in the U.S and Japan. This is due to the fact that the good is identical. The relative price is less than one. (1/12.93=0.0773) (d) The law of one price will not hold in the case of haircuts in U.S and the U.K due to the fact that there is no good being traded internationally. The relative price is greater than one. ... .12 Canada(C$) 1.04 1.09 -0.05 1.16 -0.02 Denmark(Krone) 5.17 8.26 -3.09 5.34 -0.17 Eurozone(euro) 0.69 0.93 -0.24 0.72 -0.03 Japan(Yen) 93.05 89.6 3.45 92.6 0.45 Mexico(peso) 12.92 9.24 3.68 13.8 -0.88 Sweden(Krone) 7.14 10.9 -3.76 7.90 -0.76 The change in exchange rates is not consisted with the PPP implied exchange rates. The failure of the Big Mac Index to correctly predict changes in the nominal exchange rate between July 2009 and Jan 2010 can be attributed to the fact that, the demand for the big Macs products is not uniform in all the countries. The price of the big Mac varies significantly from country to country due to the difference in commercial costs such as advertising and transportation costs. 7. (a) Korea Japan Rate of Inflation Rate of Inflation 12/6=2% 2/1=2% (b) The expected rate of depreciation will be, (2.5-2.0)/2.0=0.25% (c) New inflation rate in Korea 15/6=2.5% (d) The increase in money supply will lead to a decrease in the price level and an increase in the exc hange rate. (e) Suppose the bank of Korea want to maintain an exchange rate peg with the Japanese Yen, they will have to choose a money growth rate of 14% to keep the value of the won fixed relative to the Yen (f) In order for Korea to implement a policy that will ensure appreciation of the won against Japanese Yen, they need to set a growth rate between 12% and 16%. This is because the range will allow for a steady growth with low rate of inflation. 11. (a) Importance of having a nominal anchor. Nominal anchor such as exchange rate is that it provides a simple approach that can easily be understood by all members of the public. It also provides a quick means of curbing high inflation rate. A major drawback according to Obstfeld and Rogoff, (1996) is that it leads to loss in the independent

Monday, September 9, 2019

Pressing Environmental Issues in Manitoba Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pressing Environmental Issues in Manitoba - Essay Example Manitoba’s mining industry is currently worth over $2.5 billion with peat, zinc, silver, gold, copper, platinum, cobalt and nickel being the major metal products of this sector. Mining has however been a major threat to terrestrial biodiversity in Manitoba through land conversions and pollution (Wellington, 1997). A key environmental concern in mining has always centered on the rehabilitation of old, orphaned mines which consist of steep excavations, shafts and exploration trenches. Despite mining being a key revenue generator for Manitoba’s government, public safety has been compromised after abandoned mines are left unattended since such mines pose a threat to local communities living nearby. The Mine Closure Regulation which was approved in 1999 led to the establishment of The Orphaned and Abandoned Mines Program (OAMS) mandated to deal with such mines by sealing them using Otto Bayer’s Polyurethane foam (PUF) technology (Priscu et al, 2009). Many of these aba ndoned sites are situated within the Precambrian Shield which has massive gold deposits. Provincial Parks, aquatic life and areas with dense vegetation have not been spared due to discovery of more valuable metal deposits under them which eventually results in encroachment by the mining industry. Industry plays a major part in Manitoba’s development. However, hazardous waste mainly originates from Manitoba’s industries and exhibit a variety of harmful radiological, corrosive, bio hazardous, explosive and toxic properties.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Feasibility Experimental Research and Bias pertaining to a Hypothesis Essay

Feasibility Experimental Research and Bias pertaining to a Hypothesis - Essay Example It has been suggested that the use of human growth hormone therapy (HGHT) helps among other things to reduce body fat, give higher energy levels, enhance the strength of bones and enhance sexual performance among the old population among other benefits (Artwelle, 2008, 67). Today, the use human growth hormone in treating adults has been approved in many countries and the obtained results have been shown it to be popularly effective. The effectiveness of human growth hormone therapy in treating age related illnesses has however been questioned by many including researchers and practical patients. This sets the basis for the first hypothesis that the paper aims to prove; that human growth hormone therapy is not as effective as many clinical experiments have indicated. Further, it can be argued that many people are reluctant to use the therapy to treat their age related illnesses and thus the second hypothesis that as age increases, many patients are reluctant to use HGHT to solve their health problems. To test the first hypothesis, experimental study design will be used to test the variables with the dependent variable here been the type of age related illness and the independent variable been the effectiveness of HGHT in treating the particular illness. ... Simple random criteria will be used in selecting the participants from a population of two hundred patients. For one to be considered as a potential participants, he or she must be above the specified age limit, be suffering from a given age related illness and be willing to participate in the study. Here, the type of age related illness will not be a major determining factor though the patients must be suffering from diseases that are claimed to be potentially healed through HGHM. The methodology to be used in testing this hypothesis will incorporate statistical tests and in particular the Z-test in which case statistical calculations will be carried out based on the results obtained. In this case, significance level of 0. 05 will be assumed and where the z-score assumes a negative value, the hypothesis will be discarded as null or void (Rand, 2005, 231). Testing the first hypothesis is however susceptible to participants' bias as participants may give false or contradicting results. For example, where the health problem is decreased sexual activity, an old person may lie about his sexual participation due to shyness or other factors. To avoid or mitigate this bias, only individuals with testable illnesses will be selected to participate and the success or failure of the therapy will be recorded at minimal time intervals preferably after every fifteen days. To test the second hypothesis, observation study design will be used in which case interaction with the selected population will be relied in giving concrete results. In this case, research assistance will be contracted to interact with the chosen participants drawn from a population of age bracket of between 35 and 79 years.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The United Kingdom constitution is underpinned by strong, clear Essay

The United Kingdom constitution is underpinned by strong, clear principles which serve to uphold democracy - Essay Example The characteristics of the associations among the government and the residents, the trustworthiness of country’s establishments and the rights and the duties of people define the strengths of democracy. The constitution of the UK has developed progressively to renovate the association between the government and the residents, and to react with the challenges of globalisation as well as the other social aspects. In order to uphold the democracy, there is need for shaping new relationships and instigating drive towards new constitutional reimbursements, which commend parliament and people with more authority and right1. British Constitution Constitution can systematise, allocate and control the authority of state. It sets forth the state structure, state foundations, and ethics governing the state relations. Unlike other countries, the constitution of the UK has no single legal documents which sets out the central regulations and delineate the functions of the state. The British constitution has evolved from extensive time period and from several sources2. Maintaining democracy requires several modifications in constitution. Over the past few eras, the government has followed policies on decentralisation of the UK. The modifications have transformed the constitutional setting of the country. There are arguments which call for more fundamental changes and support additional legitimate changes which can weaken the administrative power and strengthen democracy through direct resident participation in decision making. But it is unclear that constitutional changes would inevitably generate a democratic recovery3. The strengths of constitution in the UK disembark from the Crown and reside with the government and parliament. People of the UK hardly have the likelihood or the opportunity to be involved in the official political process. The major aspect of the UK constitution is composition of arbitrary, infinite and inexplicable authority, and majority of these p owers originate from the Crown and are implemented by the government and the Queen. The Queen herself possesses four constitutional authorities such as the right to assign Prime Minister, the right to disband parliament, the authority to discharge the administration, and the power to deny imperial ascension to regulation approved by the parliament. But in recent years, application of many of those authorities has proved to be highly provocative. For instance, in the year 2003, Tony Blair, the then Prime Minister of the UK, had used his authority to announce war to battle with Iraq on fabricated information and without prior authorisation of parliament4. Transformation of Democracy in the UK It had been observed that several western European nations perceived increasing attention for intensifying citizens’ involvement and encouragement in strategy decisions. The UK has certain democratic form which essentially authorise the majoritarian character of British democracy. The regi onal Assemblies Act passed in 2003 had made the UK less centralised and more decentralised. The UK has developed its own democratic tradition and carefully added components from other democratic models5. Parliamentary Sovereignty Parliamentary sovereignty is the code of the constitution of the UK. It provides the parliament with the decisive legal control